The dream for Flourish House began long before I knew what was taking shape. Years ago as I looked over our thriving fruit trees I told God I wanted to flourish. He said “study the fruit trees.” I did and even wrote a book about it. I thought, well that must be it. Lesson learned, book written, what’s next? But, God put the whisper on my heart to talk about rest + flourishing again. I resisted and, much like Jonah, ran away from it.

We own two and half acres of land. One acre of that land sat empty. Every now and then I would pray over it, walking circles around it, asking God what we should do with it. A dream of a gathering space was planted and never left. The shape it took changed over the years, but the desire never left.

In winter of 2023 the idea of a greenhouse was born. I didn’t understand since I am not much of a gardener. The desire only grew stronger. I ran into my friend who mentioned she wished she had more land to grow flowers. My husband and I knew this was what our land should be used for. We offered the land and the idea of the greenhouse quickly made sense.

During one of the hardest days of my life I found myself among the flowers in our tiny garden. The zinnias, cosmos, and sunflowers were on full display. Something about them, that I’ll never be able to name, brought such healing in that moment. The flowers asked nothing of me, they simply were there. It was then that I knew I wanted to offer the same for others walking through challenging days.

My life felt like a wasteland at the time. My prayers were on repeat for redemption. God reminded me of Isaiah 35:1-2 “Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses. Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy!” It was his promise that I would flourish once again. There would be literal flowers as well as metaphorical ones.

And so Flourish House was fully born. Flourish House is designed to be a place where others going through a challenging season can came to find beauty, rest and healing. One can walk among the flowers or take a sweat pea class or learn how to arrange bouquets. If only for a few minutes or hours, Flourish House seeks to be a place where you can lay your burdens down. Where you can bring out a side of you that maybe other days don’t allow for. A place to be you, no matter what the season, and to give you hope that you can flourish.

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My Favorite Things
1salted caramels
2color palettes